How To Use No doubt In A Sentence
The difficulties of the next year or two will, no doubt, reawaken the pro-euro lobby.
No doubt a couple of sleazoids will appear, maybe even a saboteur.
This prompted a flurry of clarifications from sources that were no doubt close to Duncan.
Times, Sunday Times
No doubt all this is relatively important in its way, but I can't bring myself to get very interested in it.
There is no doubt that unnecessary complexity can stifle growth.
Times, Sunday Times

Close to the mangroves a big hawksbill turtle surfaced then lay motionless in the sunshine, no doubt sunbathing.
Fans of bibliographies will no doubt linger over page 5 of the guidebook which lists the 17 bibliographies published by the library itself.
She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you.
There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement.
No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
There is no doubt the fund management industry does not always work in the interests of investors.
Times, Sunday Times
There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place.
He continued he'd no doubt she would make an excellent councillor for the Ward 3 area and he had great pleasure in proposing her for the seat.
Most people have no doubt that they are a money spinner and in some part of the country they are being pulled down.
Most had fresh bruises, which he himself no doubt had inflicted, and looked to be even easier pushovers than before.
My guess would be that her headmaster born in the late 16th century, no doubt, when men were men and rules were rules rapped her on her noggin for inelegance at some crucial point in her development, and voilà!
Author! Author! » 2010 » March
No doubt we can admire the architectonic structure of these systems aesthetically, as we would un chef-d'oeuvre de l'art.
`Distinguished Chinese visitors, with whom you will no doubt share your repast.
There is no doubt that the voters wanted to shake up the status quo and they have done this by creating what is almost a hung parliament.
There is no doubt about who is buying.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Oh, I think the music's great,’ responded our darling son in a replay, no doubt, of father-son conversations taking place all over the world.
The value of all this free promotion is incalculable, which is no doubt why so many Republicans are using politics as merely a way to cash in big time as nothing more than entertainers.
Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Weiner Roast
The tax raised in the process was no doubt appealing as well.
Times, Sunday Times
Which is why, no doubt, the most readable biographies have invariably been works of great scholarship as well.
He is like the showy orchis, or the lady's-slipper, or the shooting star among plants, -- a stranger to all but the few; and when an American poet says cuckoo, he must say it with such specifications as to leave no doubt what cuckoo he means, as Lowell does in his "Nightingale in the Study:" --
The Writings of John Burroughs — Volume 05: Pepacton
No doubt if I'd been friendlier to you in the past you'd have responded differently.
There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious, honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
There was no doubt that there was a shortage of dan grades, but dan grades of the standard of the Hut took men of a certain calibre and a long time.
Aikido in the UK – the Beginning « English Lesson Plans « Free Lesson Plans « Literacy News
We have no doubt of his ability.
In truth, though, Oxford did not produce the hockey they are no doubt capable of in the second period.
There's no doubt that this support has come from the middle class Labour vote.
No doubt, you have been very impressed indeed, by my unrivalled abilities in prediction.
Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas.
A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
No doubt from then on my route wasn't as straight or as accurate as earlier, but at least I was moving.
If the people of our charge must ` teach and admonish and exhort each other daily, 'no doubt teachers may do it to one another, without any super-eminency of power or degree.
The Reformed Pastor
No doubt Mr Mutley is well aquatinted with the way dogs mate, having mounted the lady dog the chap dog turns around and then they commence to perform the filthy act facing away from each other, having smelt pedigree chum on a dogs breath I cant say that I blame them.
Double Jeopardy
Restarauteurs and cinema chains have an annoying habit of filling a glass half with Coke and half with ice, no doubt to make it go further.
It has deservedly won the best picture Golden Globe and will no doubt inspire a new generation to read Virginia Woolf.
I timed it successfully, and had no doubt of having added four to my score, when, to my astonishment, I saw a fieldsman running from the direction of the hedge.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 14th, 1920
He congratulated both teams for a fine game and no doubt that under-age development is certainly crucial to both clubs.
No doubt every cowboy car clamper is eagerly applying for one of these licences.
The Sun
No doubt trying for an audience with Gabriel Androctusa chance to grovel and bootlick his way into squirehood.
It was basically a selfish act, though no doubt a sophist would argue that it was done for the general good.
After being a supernumerary for twelve years, M. Popinot would no doubt die a puisne judge of the Court of the Seine.
The Commission in Lunacy
No doubt that news will be received with considerable mirth in gyms throughout Britain.
The Sun
Many would no doubt take issue with me on that simple assertion, citing personal reasons why it is not so.
On a smooth track the hard-top S4 handles beautifully, and I have no doubt the cabrio would be similarly impressive, but the price you pay for this is too high and not necessary.
Cases we have examined have undoubtedly shown this condition of osteoplastic periostitis, the rarefactive and osteoplastic changes in the bone itself, met with in older cases, occurring no doubt as a result of non-expansion of the horny box.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
Anyone who's experienced a slow and miserable house purchase or sale, or has been gazumped, will no doubt believe there must be a better process.
He said he had no doubt that the additional guarantees inherent in that standard will further consolidate the market position of quality-assured eggs.
Mr Greenspan is famously hard to interpret, and the motivation for his rate cut will no doubt remain unclear for now.
For this cause also God has banished from His presence him who did of his own accord stealthily sow the tares, that is, him who brought about the transgression; [4433] but He took compassion upon man, who, through want of care no doubt, but still wickedly [on the part of another], became involved in disobedience; and
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
No doubt this will be reported as the latest example of race hatred in a racially torn community.
A Munnings horse on the other hand has a lot of the stable about it - a lot of knowledge, no doubt, and a lot to attract others who know their hacks, hunters and ponies.
Have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomtited; for the water of life's fountain springeth from a gloom bed.
Some, no doubt, find this pretentious old cobblers.
Times, Sunday Times
No doubt it was a woman who put the first ruched curtain up in an Ice Age cave.
A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip.
No doubt, the intention of the landowner throughout is to hold a market monthly on these Saturdays.
There is no doubt that a lattice does exist, and mesenchymal cells certainly line up along it.
There was no doubt that he was a fine scholar.
Now we've got the peace folk coming I have no doubt it will scupper the whole thing.
Willy-nilly and no doubt unwillingly, he is then drawn into the fight; in an instant the man in the middle has become the man in a muddle and nothing at all has been achieved.
And the owner of the property was no doubt a scallywag, trying to defraud the lessee of his money, and threatening to ‘throw [his] things on the street’.
We do not relish the idea of going through another inquest, and no doubt neither does anyone else involved.
There is no doubt that Zbo played on Modigliani's illness to excite sympathy in a way which the artist did not appreciate.
Ruby's overanalytical, fast-paced and authentic narration will win over new devotees, while her loyal fans will no doubt hope for more.
E. Lockhart's Blog:
There is no doubt that the appropriately skilled addressee of the Patent would have known about degeneracy.
I also must report that I've visited France and no doubt succumbed to certain attempts to propagandize me.
But there are two moments that always get me, no doubt about it, andone of them may be unique.
Sean Astin takes the EW Pop Culture Personality Test, admits he cries at everything, and reveals plans for his feature directorial debut |
They were delighted someone they knew had won the award, and no doubt their excitement gave Rhonda a thrill too.
No doubt she would be doing the cycle irreparable damage, but the urge to ride it was too strong to be denied.
14 April 2005 @ 11: 37 am no doubt correct ... but I object, because I have no specific term for an easy class, I work out in tennies, not tennis shoes, and I'll use both "kitty corner" and "diagonal" as the mood suits.
No doubt correct...
As we two were talking,[Sentence dictionary] she would chop in with: " There is no doubt about it.
Glenn also has pictures of the event, which will no doubt start the usual discussion about how many right-of-center people showed up to protest, in the hopes that it will distract people from the more interesting point that right-of-center people are now increasingly likely to show up to protest …
Kill the Bill rally in Washington. | RedState
They will no doubt receive a stern lecture on the wickedness of their ways.
Over two weeks before race day over 300 entries had been received, no doubt boosted by the availability of the increasingly popular method of on-line entering for the first time this year.
He was put on a little silver tray, and an ingeniously wrought siphon showered him with pure water, which the faqir had no doubt drawn from some sacred well or spring.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
There's no doubt that email can bring out the abusiveness and obnoxiousness in some people, but it's still useful to know how people feel.
If I were to ask you to describe your traveling companion I should in all probability learn that his features were very indistinct; he probably wore dark glasses, perhaps also a beard, a heavy coat -- an ulster, most likely -- and no doubt also a scarf wound tightly about his neck and chin.
There is no doubt manners and social graces are essential pillars to hold up our society.
In light of Hittite militu- 'honeysweet'2, a characteristically Indo-European u-stem adjective derived from milit- 'honey', there should be no doubt where the first element comes from.
Archive 2009-12-01
If the less perfect ophidians, or snakes, which now abound on the earth had taken the lead in those ancient days among the land reptiles, and the Deinosaurians had been contemporary with Man, there can be no doubt that the progressionist would have seized upon this fact with unfeigned satisfaction as confirmatory of his views.
The Antiquity of Man
The room was stripped bare but there was no doubt that it was at one time a child's room.
Overlooking Hollybush to the north is a huge prehistoric earthwork, no doubt associated with the more complex one on the Herefordshire Beacon, but largely enclosed by thick, hanging woods.
Country diary: Malvern Hills
No doubt, this new humanitarianism also reflected the fact that the missionaries now preached to an increasingly creolized population.
I am in no doubt that the 10,000 foreign students we have at Nottingham make university a more enriching experience for our domestic students.
Times, Sunday Times
No doubt the Labor Party will be spending a lot of time, money and energy analysing how it so disastrously lost the election.
The plane juddered skyward, helped no doubt by the mental efforts of 100 twitchy passengers willing it into the air.
The pictures display a simple, white and elegant interior design which is about to get crowdy once the workers will fill the place, no doubt.
Fusion Office Suite From Enrico Pellizzoni
No doubt to occupy myself, I became infatuated with a woman on my floor.
They were free bits of hebe from public land, grown in free sand from the river, and some old pots that I no doubt scored from somewhere.
He's a high-flier is Eight Pints; there's no doubt about it.
Hugh Muir's diary
She said she had no doubt that it was because of his leadership that the Progressive Federal Party became the official opposition in 1977.
ANC Daily News Briefing
So for example, where we found the buried hulk of the Gold Rush storeship General Harrison, or when we encounter a prehistoric site with human burials, like CA-SFR-114, there's no doubt that the client is going to curse the day he ever met me.
Digging San Francisco
Surely, they were capable of enacting toward women, and toward one another, the terms of Martin Buber's I-It relation — Stevenson's "tripper" and the intimidating husbands offer the most intense expressions of that capacity, and no doubt, there were many subtle expressions of it at The Farm as well.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
No doubt, the combination of money and smart metrics is tough to beat.
There was no doubt that Madge was a most provoking and persistent sniggler.
The Beautiful Wretch; The Pupil of Aurelius; and The Four Macnicols
No doubt, Melanchthon also had in mind his far-reaching irenics at Augsburg, when he wrote in the Preface to the
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
She wanted me to say the lines with force, and so I did, for no doubt Polonius believed in them.
The same is no doubt true across many fields.
Times, Sunday Times
Lady Kicklebury wears a front, and, I make no doubt, a complete jasey; or she certainly would have let down her back hair at this minute, so overpowering were her feelings, and so bitter her indignation at her daughter's black ingratitude.
The Christmas Books of Mr. M.A. Titmarsh
The struggle for the pronunciation of our name will no doubt continue long after this fracking business has quietened down.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no doubt that summer is one sexy season full of people shedding tensions and clothes.
Young, an audio fanatic, no doubt would approve of the Mobile Fidelity treatment.
No doubt there will be many more changes in the future, for finality is not in the language of politics.
The Changing Commonwealth
This remarkable transformation, no doubt in some degree inevitable, was actually brought about chiefly through the instrumentality of a single man, a certain English archdeacon of Welsh descent, Geoffrey of Monmouth.
A History of English Literature
I predict that within a short period of time Bercow's or his wife's ego, avarice and self-aggrandising habits - with a little help from a few resentful MPs no doubt - will combine and he will let himself down and resign.
The Speaker: Bercow's boundaries | Editorial
In rooms across the hall my parents and my in-laws are no doubt fast asleep, tuckered out from days of good food and fresh air.
No doubt he will also enjoy avoiding the limelight for a bit.
The Sun
There was no doubt that the referee had gone by the book .
There is no doubt that Hammarskj6ld's northern sense of propriety was deeply shaken by the roughness of the outburst, and ironically, since the Russian code of what is socially permissible comes largely across the Baltic from Sweden, it was precisely this rowdy behavior of Khrushchev's, dubbed Ne-Kulturny (uncultured), which eventually proved his undoing at home.
An Autobiography
The patient complained of some stiffness in the lumbo-sacral region, but the right synchondrosis was no doubt implicated in the track.
Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
Numerous skeletons of young calves have also been unearthed, many of them nestled next to adult females, no doubt their mothers.
For his troubles, and no doubt a substantial pay cheque, Eric the King picked up the winning trophy and, for his most-valuable-player display, he was presented with an all-inclusive holiday to Portugal.
No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.
Forty years on, our successors have no doubt that they are on history's winning side.
A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort.
The Purcell Papers, Volume II
An interesting story, no doubt - but rather incomplete without some discussion of the fact that the fuddy-duddies turned out to be right.
A crude meal, no doubt, but the best of all sauces is hunger. Edward Abbey
There is no doubt we have the finest tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the world.
Then various other terrified countries will follow suit, and soon enough the various international lawsuits piling up will cause the U.S.A., primary client of Lasik no doubt, to illegalize Lasik as well.
More Bad News for the Lasik Business - The Lede Blog -
The bunkers were in an unbelievable condition no doubt due to the efforts by the ground keepers on the other eighteen which made them almost unplayable.
There can be no doubt that he is guilty.
No doubt you will both treasure your choice of a vintage engagement ring for a long time to come as they ooze character with a wide variety of styles, shapes, stones and carats that will certainly bedazzle, shimmer and shine.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1031
No doubt the outdoor equipment industry would rub its hands in glee at the thought of such a lucrative threat to its customers.
There was no doubting his sharpness as he pulled off a string of fine first-half saves.
The Sun
Lear's book of parrots was an immediate success and no doubt had he persevered with his ornithological studies he would have achieved immortality as a new Audubon.
No doubt reduced flows, due to water abstraction, increased clarity and apparent reduction in numbers of smaller species have all played a part in this increase in bream sizes.
There was no doubting the style from the Minstermen, especially in the first half, but the substance was missing and after the brightest of openings there was no va-va-voom, no oomph, no spark.
There would no doubt be a frank exchange of views between us.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no doubt in my mind that the word burly isn't interchangeable with the terms cut or svelte.
Tom Gerdy: All the Mr. Potters Getting You Down? Focus on the George Baileys Around You
And there is no doubt that some of these animals live lives of great awareness, and of emotion, too.
No doubt the school will feel suitably chastened by her absence.
The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Immediately opposite was a grotesque figure of Satan, no doubt in canonicals also, with cloven foot and horns, belching out fire and brimstone on the terrified audience.
No doubt many countries around the world - particularly those who have a few extra coins jingling in their emerging market pockets from selling crap to US consumers, would like to see the power of the US Dollar and thus the US of A significantly reduced.
Why US Dollar will remain as World Reserve Currency!
No doubt you were prepared to disclose that piece of advice because you did not think it particularly prejudicial to your client's case.
There was nothing unusual about any of this and no doubt the hooligan gangs of both clubs were eager for more trouble after the game.
The boatman gave him a critical look, wondering no doubt why we employed such a dirty fellow.
It was around that time she began painting cityscapes, no doubt inspired by the spectacular view they had from their 30th floor apartment.
There's no doubt who is the best candidate.
The grand euro-persuasion campaign, complete with unspecified roadshows and jollities no doubt such as further Blair / Brown double-acts, could now begin.
There is no doubt that the illegal drugs trade presents a serious challenge to policing.
Times, Sunday Times
There is no doubt that there were - and are - evident continuities.
The Times Literary Supplement
But there is no doubt that the number of deaths from famine and from the results of malnutrition were at least of the order associated with the great famines of the past.
But there's no doubting their passion for taiko, or how they feel that they have benefited from their time here.
Times, Sunday Times
If you happened to be patronising the inns of Kendal on Friday, you no doubt will have noticed a rather merry group of women dressed head-to-toe in pink.
The runes cannot yet be deciphered, but the monastery was refounded under Cnut in 1014 and the inscription is no doubt connected to the site in some way.
A statement that a police officer is under is investigation is no doubt defamatory, but the sting in the libel is not as sharp as the statement that he has by his conduct brought suspicion on himself.
On his part, he had no doubts that the claimant was an impostor and his supporters fools and rogues.
Both places were full of titled guests invited (or commanded, rather) by Kralta, and we drove in sleighs and skated and tobogganed and revelled by evening and pleasured by night, and it was Vienna in the Arctic, with the Prince always on hand, bland and affable as ever with his popsies around him (one of 'em a new bird, an Italian, who'd replaced the garrulous blonde, no doubt on Kralta's orders) and it was all such enormous fun that I was heartily sick of it.
'No doubt he'll give me the chance to fight him again,' he jibed, tongue in cheek.
And at Stuff to Download (www.mindspring. com/~jetton/pilot/index. html), Trekkies will no doubt exult over the faux tricorder program that simulates scans for life forms and radiation leaks with cool "Trek" sound effects.
Game Guy
If we only knew enough, we would, no doubt, discover a beneficial use for all the so-called vestigial organs.
The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
No doubt it will go the way of all seemingly impregnable empires of the past.
Regardless of the reasons, Indian anatomists and zoologists, who were no doubt just as curious as the Greeks about the origins of life, and as skilled in dissection, did not feel compelled to set their disciplines up in opposition to metaphysics.
LSD and the Third Eye
Still, there must be no haggling; in ecclesiastical language 'ten' means ten beads; no doubt ... but I remember very well that after he pronounced the word rosary, the father expressed himself thus: 'you will say ten,' that means ten rosaries, for otherwise he would have specified ten ... of a rosary.
En Route
Duma Key is not just a novel for the fans, but a cathartic response from King over his near-death accident in 1999; no doubt he relived his agonizing recovery while writing about Freemantle, and yet it is because of this firsthand experience, that Duma Key feels much more personal and empathetic.
2010 February 15 « The BookBanter Blog
What were called the exaggerations of his writing were due, I have no doubt, to the extraordinary luminosity of his imagination.
What I Remember
No doubt he'd been looking forward to the wedding ever since it was announced, as an invaluable chance to cut a figure and do some good public relations work.
The feretory no doubt had a reredos at this point, but what the type of this earlier arrangement may have been it is impossible exactly to tell.
Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) A Short History & Description Of Its Fabric With An Account Of The Diocese And See
As you no doubt know, a dress is such a common article of modern attire, generally a one-piece outer garment for women or girls, that it is difficult to imagine that the word dress has not always referred to this garment.
Mark C. Miller: Man Asks Stupid Question; Receives Brilliant Answer
She has great influence with the manager and could no doubt help you.
These days the vast majority of professional gridiron, and basketball teams in America employ cheerleaders, and there's no doubt that they are viewed by most players and fans as mere sex objects.
I have no doubt about their genuineness.
I love my job, relish the operational role and will no doubt miss it dreadfully.
Instead, the remains of that nice little earner will be kept in an undisclosed location, no doubt inside a nice little urn.
Times, Sunday Times
You are no doubt familiar with the five senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste.
No doubt England are not too far off becoming the number one rugby league nation.
Times, Sunday Times
Arrest under the Crimes Act, which this one was, no doubt has extraterritorial operation.
Dodd proposes a consumer protection agency -- but wants it to be a part of the Federal Reserve, where it would be likely to have its sword blunted by the conventional wisdoms of central bankers and economists no doubt with Wall Street whispering in their ears.
Matthew Bishop: 'The Road From Ruin': Would Dodd's Solutions Create More Useless Bureaucracy (Think Homeland Security)?
This would be a good metaphor for something, no doubt, if I could only pin it down.
No doubt -- Ay, do you hear that _no doubt_, Colambre?
Tales and Novels — Volume 06
Meanwhile, they are self - funding, and no doubt those funds will stretch to establish more such schools.
And the Sikalosoft site is back online, no doubt rubbing its hands in glee over all the publicity.
ITunes ‘Shake the baby’ site returns
These contain a core of metal surrounded by hard rubber - no doubt they could cause a lot of damage if fired at close range.
Times, Sunday Times
There's no doubting the raw materials they have to construct a championship contender.
Still, we endure stoically, because the etiquette books - written, no doubt, by extroverts - regard declining to banter as rude and gaps in conversation as awkward.
There is no doubt that Archytas knew of this diatonic scale, but his own diatonic tetrachord was somewhat different, being composed of the intervals 9: 8, 8: 7 and 28:
We have no doubt of his ability.
Had a letter from Georgie today & she's had a rotten spin for two months - no doubt you've heard all about it by now.
No doubt such garbled syntax does great things for policymakers sitting on committees.
No doubt they are meant to represent popular culture, but they are characteristic of the cheerlessness and sententiousness of municipal Labourism.
The New Art Gallery, Walsall
He starts his remarks by hoping: ‘A more progressive generation of ornithologists will no doubt possess itself of higher standards for estimating the value of sub-species.’
No doubt Brawn must have known his car was going to be a winner and invested some of his own substantial wealth to prop up the team.
Times, Sunday Times
On his part, he had no doubts that the claimant was an impostor and his supporters fools and rogues.
No doubt Einstein himself is in some measure responsible for this image, since, in later life, he reflected nostalgically on solitude, isolation, and creativity.
It is being discussed on the diplomatic circuit and it will no doubt bubble up at Westminster.
No doubt they have few heating and cooling problems behind those thick, insulating stone and stucco walls.
The word comprehended all that was delivered or dispensed by the lord to his underlings or domestics -- money, victuals, wine, garments, fuel, and lights; but no doubt it was employed more particularly of external and distinctive garb.
The Customs of Old England
No doubt he will be buying a caravan when he realises how convenient they are.
Times, Sunday Times
Our perseverance and pioneering spirit in blazing a trail nobody has ever trodden before is no doubt admirable.
But people should have no doubt that even a tiny grain of radioactive substances can kill - and under easily realisable circumstances, it probably will.
If the weather turns rough, your guide can no doubt fit you up with waterproof clothing and waders.
The proposal to build the Devanhalli international airport too has taken a long time to fructify and even today the progress is bogged down with some technicalities, though there is no doubt about its becoming a reality before long.
No doubt he will saunter home.
The Sun
Whether or not there was ever such an owner, there is no doubt about the family which held the castle longest.
And though it gall thee to be told so, albeit thy city in Laconia is no doubt mighty fact, yet thou findest no place for his Scyros, displaying wealth 'midst poverty and setting Menelaus above
Men and women everywhere hawked government-controlled newspapers printed on a grayish, low-grade newsprint no doubt full of comparably dull propaganda.